MissCallPay, India’s first voice-based payment Fintech startup running on UPI 123Pay has added another accolade to its kitty. The company was declared a ‘TiE50 winner’ and has stood among thousands of startups who applied and among 18 non-USA startups who have won the TiE50 title at TiEcon 2022, the world’s largest technology-anchored entrepreneurship conference.
On the behalf of MissCallPay, Mr. Mitesh Thakker, founder of MissCallPay has been honored in the presence of eminent corporate leaders, investors, and other big players in the industry.
Commenting on being felicitated as the ‘TiE50 winner’ Mr. Mitesh Thakker, Founder of MissCallPay, said, “I am greatly privileged and would like to thank the jury for appreciation of my efforts towards a less-cash society. I am taking this most prestigious award on behalf of my incredible team at MissCallPay.”
Mr. Thakker further added, “Usually innovation is targeted towards tech-savvy smart-phone users while our entire efforts are tuned to make UPI revolution reach masses, beyond tech-savvy smartphone users and even include feature phone users with basic verbal-linguistic skills and number literacy. MissCallPay aims to enhance security, provide a simpler user experience, with higher trust quotient, while increasing productivity of our users and merchants is what makes MissCallPay different from rest”.
About TieCon
This 13-year-old awards competition is an initiative taken by TiE Silicon Valley, a not-for-profit organization, at TiEcon their world’s largest conference for entrepreneurs is ranked alongside conferences such as World Economic Forum ( WEF), TED, and DEMO., TiEcon sees participation from 10,000 attendees and brings together global thought leaders, innovators, venture capitalists, technology firms across the world to inspire and advance entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.
In the past, MissCallPay has won the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenge for feature phones-based payment solutions in 2020 and received grants from the esteemed foundation. Also, MissCallPay is proudly incubated by leading startup incubators in the country – CIIE IIM Ahmedabad and i-Hub Gujarat and awarded at Maharashtra Startup Week 2019.
The company is presently angel-funded backed by HNI’s and plans to raise Series-A in the span of the next 6 months.
The idea of this start-up came into existence post the demonetization phase in 2017 when the Founder of MissCallPay Mr. Mitesh L Thakker was traveling to his native village in the Kutch district of Gujarat. During his journey there, the chaos with people standing in serpentine queues outside ATMs and banks was quite unsettling for him.
That specific incident ignited the thought behind finding a product or solution to solve the problem of people standing in queues. He decided to venture into FinTech and realized the potential of financial inclusion for a payment solution that works without the internet. Following the idea, the team worked on the product using awarded patents and expert guidance and thus MissCallPay was born.